A modern disciple's doubts

  The eleven disciples traveled to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had directed them.   17  When they saw him, they worshiped, but some doubted. (Matthew 28:16-17) I try to be faithful to the Scriptures when I write or preach. I aim to draw out the lessons I can and apply them to today’s daily walk of faith without saying more than the biblical witness. I want to get everything I can from the diligent study of the Bible and share that with others without putting words in God’s mouth. I can’t help but wonder, though; I don’t recall that I’ve heard anyone focus—I mean really focus—on that doubt. That’s what I hope to do in this essay, and I hope what follows does not stretch the biblical sense far beyond what Matthew ever intended. “But some doubted.” The disciples were moved to worship in the presence of the risen Christ. Yet, even in this profound moment, some still wrestled with doubt.  We hear it said that “seeing is believing.” Yet even as the discip...

Tactical Patience: A Church Replanter's Greatest Asset

I spend a great deal of time studying church replanting, and, for me, it’s more than academic interest. No, I haven’t replanted multiple churches (just one), but I am hooked. It’s exciting to see God bring renewal and growth, opening a new chapter in the life of a local church that may have feared there was no hope for its future. One aspect of church replanting that particularly interests me is the characteristics that make a successful replanting pastor. One trait that comes up over and over again is patience—tactical patience. If delayed gratification is not your thing, being a church replanting pastor is probably not for you.

As Bob Bickford and Mark Hallock write, “progress and pace are unique are unique in church replanting. Some things can be addressed immediately; others have to wait—either for the congregation to be ready to move or for the resources to be present.”[1]Tactical patience requires knowing when to change something and when not to change it. Tactical patience recognizes that some hills aren’t worth dying on. As Mark Clifton observes, a church may need facility modernizations, a new website, updated bylaws, and a host of other changes. However, changing everything at once is not only impossible, it is inadvisable. Says Clifton, “A replanter must realize that this is not a short-term mission trip; this is his life.”[2]

Church planting—the founding of new churches—is a vital ministry and can have some intersection with church replanting. However, the church replanter should be careful not to get into the business of comparing his church with that of a planter because the pace is entirely different. A church plant that does not gain traction within the first three years probably won’t make it. However, it takes a church replanter an average of four or five years before he feels like he’s even gaining attraction. The church replanter cannot become discouraged when it takes a long time to get the church moving—because it’s going to take a long time, maybe even a really long time.

I’ve heard that we often overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can accomplish in five or ten years. The tactically patient church replanter must always keep the long view.


Photo by amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash

[1] Bob Bickford and Mark Hallock, Am I a Replanter?: 30 Days of Discerning God's Call. Littleton, CO: Acoma Press, 2017.

[2] Mark Clifton, Reclaiming Glory: Creating a Gospel Legacy throughout North America. Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group, 2016.


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