
Showing posts from February, 2021

A modern disciple's doubts

  The eleven disciples traveled to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had directed them.   17  When they saw him, they worshiped, but some doubted. (Matthew 28:16-17) I try to be faithful to the Scriptures when I write or preach. I aim to draw out the lessons I can and apply them to today’s daily walk of faith without saying more than the biblical witness. I want to get everything I can from the diligent study of the Bible and share that with others without putting words in God’s mouth. I can’t help but wonder, though; I don’t recall that I’ve heard anyone focus—I mean really focus—on that doubt. That’s what I hope to do in this essay, and I hope what follows does not stretch the biblical sense far beyond what Matthew ever intended. “But some doubted.” The disciples were moved to worship in the presence of the risen Christ. Yet, even in this profound moment, some still wrestled with doubt.  We hear it said that “seeing is believing.” Yet even as the disciples saw Jesus on th

Church Revitalization Is Spiritual Warfare

  Is your church is inward-focused, squabbling over petty things, straining at doctrinal gnats, and otherwise just generally ineffective in reaching your community with the Gospel?   There’s at least one person happy about that. Who? The Devil. Yes, you heard me right. I do believe in Satan’s active influence in this world—and without apology. The Bible clearly tells us demonic forces are engaged in the world. As the Apostle Paul writes, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12, ESV). Now, I don’t blame the Devil’s direct control for every single bad thing that happens. Instead, I think he’s generally happy to let people be people. People just being themselves will do the work of the Devil for him. If your church is declining or near death, take a look around. Are you preference-driven? Is

Tactical Patience: A Church Replanter's Greatest Asset

I spend a great deal of time studying church replanting, and, for me, it’s more than academic interest. No, I haven’t replanted multiple churches (just one), but I am hooked. It’s exciting to see God bring renewal and growth, opening a new chapter in the life of a local church that may have feared there was no hope for its future. One aspect of church replanting that particularly interests me is the characteristics that make a successful replanting pastor. One trait that comes up over and over again is patience— tactical patience. If delayed gratification is not your thing, being a church replanting pastor is probably not for you. As Bob Bickford and Mark Hallock write, “progress and pace are unique are unique in church replanting. Some things can be addressed immediately; others have to wait—either for the congregation to be ready to move or for the resources to be present.” [1] Tactical patience requires knowing when to change something and when not to change it. Tactical patience

Why I Love Church Replanting

Church revitalization and replanting—the effort to bring struggling or even dying churches to new health and vitality—positively excites me.  Why? Because church revitalization and replanting showcase the miraculous work of a God who turns crucifixions into resurrections. When you look at a struggling church, you may see a church stuck in the past, a church whose facilities have become unappealing, or a church whose members have long ago ceased to be outwardly focused. Many times they have little hope and have resigned themselves to the idea that they are a few years of funerals away from closing. Perhaps some remember the glory days. They recall a time when teens and children were a presence in the church. But that was a long time ago. Surely, those days can never come back. What is Church Replanting? So, you’ve seen me use the terms “revitalization” and “replanting.” What’s the distinction? Basically, the difference is in how much runway you have to get back off the ground. How lon

Why you should join the church replanting movement.

  Churches in America are dying at an alarming rate. That’s the stark reality, and Christ-follower, you need to do something about it. Yes, I’m talking to you! Christians in America should be sitting up, taking notice, and urgently acting to stem the tide of dying churches. Estimates of how bad the problem really is are varied. Pre-pandemic, most experts said that between 65 and 90 percent of all Protestant churches in America were plateaued or declining. [1] Many of the same experts said that around ten percent of churches were in imminent danger of death. Before the coronavirus pandemic, the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, reported that about 900 churches affiliated with the denomination would close every year. Extrapolated across Protestant denominations, that could mean that upwards of 4,000 churches in America were closing their doors every year.   That was before COVID-19 hit, and no one really has a handle on just how desperate thi